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Essential Oils


While scientists and psychologists have studied emotions for hundreds of years, this integral part of our being is still rather mysterious.


Although sometimes confusing even to ourselves, it's clear that emotions can directly influence our well-being and quality of life.


Throughout history, essential oils have been found to trigger responses that can alter mood. Using pure essential oils, comprehensive research, and scientifically formulated blends, dōTERRA® has created the dōTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy™ System to provide users with unique emotional health benefits.


All products can be purchased from my dōTERRA website at Retail Prices


Better still, become a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate and you'll have the opportunity to purchase CPTG essential oils at 25% below the retail cost. If you'd like to join as a member, and access many business and product tools that will help you enjoy the benefits of living, sharing, and building with dōTERRA please get in touch.


Are you ready to create happiness and financial freedom in your life?


Contact me today!

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